True peace, mental health, sanity and knowledge through Jesus
(continued from:
Uma: I don't entirely agree that Psychology is a totally Sutric method, as research has shown that it is within the relationship between the person and the therapist that healing can take place. So giving someone your respect, undivided attention, understanding, care and love is what helps, and therapies that work best have this relationship as a basis.
Having said that, it is true that due to constraints placed on National Health Service Psychologists related to economics, the best that they can do is to 'stick a plaster on it' and help the person to live as well as possible with the trauma. Healing takes time, and time is money. Not many people can afford lengthy private treatment.
It would be great though if Psychologists could use tantric methods, in addition to the energy created within the therapeutic relationship
In sutra dharma there is also relationship between teacher and
student so that is not what separates sutra from tantra. Empowerments
and transmissions do but as you know guru yoga, for example, can be
practiced without an empowerment.
That is an interesting point
because even most of us western non-practicing christians learned
some basic prayers in childhood that invite the blessings of God and
Jesus Christ. Inviting Jesus to us *is* guru yoga, so most westerners
are already somewhat familiar with the concept even if they weren't
taught anything more specific about it.
It is a pity that the
christian establishment messed things up so bad. It started quite
soon after Jesus resurrected and continues to this day.
Consequentially, like I've seen over the years, western yoga
meditators get upset even by the mentioning of Jesus's name because
they associate him with all the bad, immoral, wrong and dogmatic
things exercised by the religious establishment.
From a
different perspective, it is very fortunate that the christian
establishment exists because of the baptism of babies, and sometimes
adults. When a person is baptized it creates a direct karmic
connection with Jesus. That is extremely precious even if people have
no clue about its effect or are non-practicing christians. It is like
taking refuge in buddha, dharma and sangha. These things have a huge
impact but to get back to our topic, this karmic link or seed needs
to be taken care of and embraced in a non-dogmatic way. In general
terms, spirituality needs to be brought back and specifically through
Jesus because he's the greatest and best known world guru (skt.
vishwa guru) ever.
I think this is the way to bring true
peace, mental health, sanity and knowledge (skt jnana) to many
people. In the context of psychological therapy, this could be
something for therapists to look into.