150th Awakening
I started giving guidances to awakening in late March 2014 and today, 7 years and 2 months later, I confirmed my 150th case. I haven't been that active giving guidances the past couple of years and it's mostly other Pemako teachers and instructors who now offer guidances, but every once in a while it feels good to do it again. Some of the 150 have been confirmations where the person did the processing by her/himself and I just checked if awakening had happened or not, but most of them were guidances, either through email or in person.
me it has been a fascinating journey of learning about the Two-Part
Formula (2PF) itself but also about the human psyche and mechanics
of awakening. I remember back in the day that I actually was
doubtful about the 2PF myself because I had learned that "there
is no practice that can directly generate awakening". It took
me 30-40 guidances to unlearn that view
I could however feel and see the shift in every person from gross
self-based state to me-less state in every guidance. That is
something very special to witness... It's like seeing someone being
Now, 150 people later the 2PF keeps on delivering
If you're interested my students run this website where all the info about awakening is nicely offered.
-Kim 27.5.2021