Qi, Prana, Chakras, Dantiens?
J: Babaji, I hope I'm not disturbing. I was wondering in your experience, what the differences are between Qi and Prana as well as the Chakras and Dantiens.When you have time, love to hear your views and experiences.
Hi J
Not disturbing at all, the opposite, always pleasure to chat with
friends of the path. Aha, yes. You're discussing about different
frequencies and systems of the subtle body. So I'll give it a go
In short, there is frequency and corresponding energy related to nadis and chakras. In all hundreds of thousands of nadis, that creates the aura, there are two different aspects. The inner core of all nadis is always pure and the nadis connect directly with the four dantiens in the gut, heart, head and the two extreme ends of the vertical energy pillar that extends 5-6 meters up and down from the body. The second aspect of nadis is where most of the karma and samskaras are stored. These are stored on the outer layer of all nadis. So, this system consists of nadis, chakras and what in systems influenced by taoism are called dantiens.
Then there is frequency and corresponding energy related to meridians. The meridian field covers the insides of the whole physical body and it is the closest energy body to the physical body and its organs. Meridian field is also grossest of the energy bodies.
When all bits and pieces; chakras, nadis (their outer layers) and meridians are cleaned, they all connect with dantiens (or amrita kshetras) to create a mind that is in its natural state and body that rests in its natural state. Mentally/psychologically nondual and also physically nondual.
If you're interested we just had a chat about this with my heart student. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_TCjJT-Dh0
What are your experiences?
Many blessings,
Baba, 8 April 23