perjantai 1. heinäkuuta 2022

My Experience with Tinnitus


My Experience with Tinnitus

Dear Rick,

Thank you for telling about your tinnitus and how it has affected you over the last 10 years.

I was a musician and a music producer until 2002 until few reasons put an end to my music career, one of those was slight hear loss and tinnitus. Since then, I've had permanent slight hear loss (that would make it impossible to work professionally in a production studio) and occasional tinnitus that at times have lasted up to few days at once, and completely scared the heck out of me.

I left my career in music 20 years ago to pursue another career, that of yoga and meditation. Over the last two decades I have practiced lots of meditation (roughly 30 000 hours of sitting meditation) and the so called yogic practices that involved doing physical postures, breathing practices and mantras, that are kind of prayers chanted or recited in Sanskrit, Tibetan, English or my native Finnish languages.

The Eastern view of the human body and its energy system is I would say radically different from the view of Western allopathic medicine. To someone unfamiliar with Eastern medicine or healing arts or meditation it is easy to brush it off as woo-woo or belief-based but the fact is that these arts and really, sciences, have been practiced for thousands of years at a very high level in systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to cure or to help people with all the same ailments and illnesses that people everywhere around the world suffer of. I'm saying this just to point out that there are age old traditions behind these basic ideas and ways how the body and the mind is looked at in Eastern view.

I've done quite extensive training in various traditions of meditation, yoga and mantra, and have made many discoveries about the human body, mind and psyche, including tinnitus. I could describe and explain exactly what tinnitus is and why it causes the ringing in the ears but for now to save some time, I'll just say that, in my experience the ringing is caused by overstimulated energy currents in the head. I say this based on microscopic meditational study and occasional ringing of the ears over the past 20 years. It is logical that musicians who use ears as their main working instrument can get too much stimulation in the ears and in the energies flowing through the head, to then develop these health problems. What is unfortunate that many musicians are forced to stop making music and yet the imbalance in the energies doesn't go away. That it doesn't (necessarily) go away is kind of like when shoelaces that have been tied too tightly, don't unwind by themselves. This situation requires tools that can fix the situation, and in my own case I have been able to do that.

So, in my experience, it is possible to fix this. I have been a professional yoga and meditation teacher fo the past 15 years and I have never worked with anyone with tinnitus problems but like I've said several times by now, in my own experience, it is possible to fix this.

Feel free to contact me if you'd like to know more.

Kim Rinpoche,1.7.2022