One year as a buddha by Ugi
It was exactly one year ago - on the 26th of February '22 - when I woke up in the morning and all difference between meditation and everyday life, all separation between awareness and appearances, as well as all sense of "being on my way" to Enlightenment was gone for good. I fully realized my mind to be no other than the mind of Buddha, Shiva or Christ.
If it wasn't for the kindness and compassion of my yogic master Amrita Baba (see picture in 1st comment), I would never have tasted the fruit of liberation. Baba was the one who introduced me to the true nature of mind in 2016 and pointed out the innate goodness of boundless compassion (bodhicitta) in me.
it was Baba who taught me the uttermost essential practice of how to
directly tune into the mind of enlightenend masters like Guru
Rinpoche, Gampopa or Jesus. This enabled me to progress quickly along
the path of Liberation without getting stuck in misconceptions about
Enlightenment or the common traps along the Path (like pride or
doubt). It is to him that all my gratitude and devotion goes on this
first anniversary. Thank you forever, my most precious teacher
Why am I writing so openly about this? Because people need to know that the Enlightenment of the Buddhas is not an esoteric fantasy, or an unachievable goal reserved for superhuman beings, or a mystical state that only happens accidentally.
I don't blame anyone for having such views. I also had them. That is because there simply aren't many people around anymore who truly understand - from their own firsthand experience - the inner science of the Dharma, the practice of Liberation. There are many who teach bits and pieces from the Dharma (or simply use the same terminology), but not many who teach it in its full scope. Unfortunately, that's the case in most traditional lineages as well.
For this reason, I find it so important to not keep secret about this. To let people know that the promise of all the enlightened masters is indeed true:
You all possess Buddha/Christ/Shiva nature which is the essence of the very mind that is reading this right now. And because of that, it is possible to become a living a Buddha, a living Christ, in this life-time. With the proper motivation, correct instructions of a master, and the support of a loving sangha, it can be done within a decade even.
If you want to know more about my path, then please watch the following interview where I go into much detail about my journey of Liberation.
And if you want to know more about the teachings of Amrita Baba and the practices that have brought me here, then find more information here:
English website:
German website (where I'm involved as an instructor):
May this find you well & May All Beings Be Free!
Much love,